I heard this earlier this morning on Super Sooooul Sunday (such a breath of fresh air!), "Once you label me, you negate me." Often times people identify themselves by their occupation, political party, gender, and even religion. Haven't you heard someone say, "I'm a sales rep," and "I'm a Republican," or even "I'm a Christian!"? While our occupation, political and religious beliefs share apart of us, these titles are not who we are.
I love people for who they are, not what they are - a play on words, perhaps? While this statement might walk a fine line, the fact of the matter is, I find too often people proclaiming that they're "this" or "that," and not showing the true essence of themselves. Call your religion what you will - scream from the mountain tops that you're a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, I will not blink an eye. It's when you show me who you are when I truly appreciate you for you, and not the lable society attaches to you.
"Once you label ME, you negate ME."