Here's the abbreviated version:The definition of happiness shouldn’t be constricted to a set idea, defined at one point in time, nor should it be influenced by Facebook's news feed, E! News, Twitter or any other social media outlet that seemingly bombards almost every aspect of our, undeniable, technological world. Maybe not so simply put, happiness should be an ever changing understanding of our current awareness of self, which enables us to evolve in ways that allows happiness to permeate & thrive in each day we're grateful to have - Period!
Here's the abbreviated version:The definition of happiness shouldn’t be constricted to a set idea, defined at one point in time, nor should it be influenced by Facebook's news feed, E! News, Twitter or any other social media outlet that seemingly bombards almost every aspect of our, undeniable, technological world. Maybe not so simply put, happiness should be an ever changing understanding of our current awareness of self, which enables us to evolve in ways that allows happiness to permeate & thrive in each day we're grateful to have - Period!