Sunday, August 19, 2012

Super Soul Sunday: A Return to Love – Marianne Williamson

I’ve been writing this post for a while now, four weeks to be exact, a MONTH . I’d sit down, start writing, but then I was overwhelmed at the amount of STUFF covered within this episode of SSS that I’d let something else grab my attention (I needed that glass of water, then Rock & Ru needed their cups filled, too – of course?), so I’d stop.

But enough is enough, and I just have to get all THIS out there. Last month, Oprah interviewed Marianne Williamson. The overarching theme discussed? Shifting perception from fear, to love. 

So what happened within the first 5 minutes of Super Soul Sunday, over four weeks ago? Are you ready?

*Warning* I can’t, for the life of me, figure out how to organize this (hence the delay in posting), so bear with me as I serve it up buffet style, everything under one heat lamp kinda way…

Okay, here goes – some gems within the first five min:

“No organized religion has a monopoly on truth.” I love this quote because all religions attempt to speak the truth; truth being: love, letting go of fears, and standing in front of your heart. The differences shared between religions are merely the varying languages, stories, and Gods they use to express this truth.

“We are an idea in the mind of God, and an idea never leaves its source, which is why we’re not separate from God.”

“Often people obsess about becoming "stars," because in their mind, they are not yet starring in their own life. However, what needs to be understood: the cosmic spotlight isn’t pointed at you, rather it radiates from within.” I love this! I could go on & on about this one, break it down, and criticize how society seems to manipulate our culture's priorities, but I'm afraid I'd get too long winded, and I'd also like to leave voice for the other side, which I don't have enough energy to do right now. So in keeping this short & sweet, I hope this statement reminds everyone to look within for happiness, versus elsewhere for fulfillment.

There’s so much more to discuss, but I’m going to stop here, for now… Maybe part II will be next Sunday?

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